Lean thinking enables a business to enjoy progressive transformational growth. If you cannot think outside the norms, you will be setting up a glass ceiling over yourself. Whatever business you are in, you can aim for the skies by reimagining things. You could reimagine your target market, your operations, your products, and everything else about the business. Dare to be different.

Check out this Interesting Case Scenario.

Ayal Lanternari had the responsibility of taking care of his infant son. Now, let’s be honest. Most men have challenges nursing newborns, especially if they have never handled one before. One of Ayal’s biggest challenge was having to watch his son anguishing with hunger, as the baby milk in a bottle warmed up in hot water. The bottle would take painfully long to warm up to the right temperature. Baby milk should never be heated directly or put in a microwave. It will lose its nutritional value.

His troubles and those of his child triggered him to think out of the ordinary. He figured that if he had a wider baby milk bottle that spread out the milk, it would warm up faster. He dared to reimagine the structure of the baby milk bottle, something that had remained the same for decades, if not centuries. Many people would also consider the structure of a baby’s bottle too trivial a detail.

The companies that manufacture the milk bottles must have a lot of theories and explanations about why the bottles are modeledthat way. They possibly even have done research and documented findings in order to back it up. Ayal dared to challenge this conventional wisdom and is now the proud founder of Nanobébé, an Israeli company manufacturing easy to warm baby milk bottles.

Nanobébé has become a big shot. The bottles are shaped like an orange cut in half, then the insides extracted. That makes it easy to stack a couple of bottles together and store them. They heat up 70% faster than the conventional baby milk bottles. The bottles were literary flying off the shelves within months of being launched.

For a man who had no experience in the baby products industry whatsoever, that could be seen as quite the fairy tale. Nothing could be further from the truth though. Ayal challenged a convention. He imagined that there must be a better solution to the challenges head faced feeding his baby.

Back to our Conversation on Lean Thinking.

You cannot keep looking at your business in one dimension. You have to keep coming up with new and innovative solutions to the challenges you are facing. How about not just settling for the laid-out protocols on your business playbook and creating better problem-solving systems.

Lean thinking and understanding is the beginning of it all. Be an agent of change for your business and aim for lean transformation. As a business leader, your biggest responsibility is to keep pushing the business from one pedestal to the other. You will not achieve that by just following protocol. Create your own protocol and make it work.

About Lean Learning Center

The Lean Learning Center was founded in 2001 to address the gaps and barriers that are holding back companies from successful and sustainable lean transformation. In addition to the advanced curriculum, the Center has developed a learning environment designed specifically for adult learning utilizing techniques that include discovery simulations, case studies, personal planning, and reflection – ultimately engaging people at a deep and personal level. We bring our unique lean understanding in creative ways to executives, managers, supervisors, change agents and front-line employees.

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