Learn more about how we

make businesses better

make businesses better

Lean Learning Center is trusted by thought leaders and industry innovators because we work tirelessly to improve your organization and achieve your desired outcome. Our expert facilitators tackle complex issues with a hands-on approach, giving your team the tools they need while building useful skills that can be used time and again.

Organizational cultural shift builds sustainable change

McLaren Healthcare wanted to bring about effective and lasting changes to their company culture and processes.  The Lean Experience® was the unique catalyst that made it happen.

  • Team morale energized and encouraged collaboration

  • Sustainable problem-solving strategies implemented

  • Patient quality of care improved

Continuous improvement starts with a united team

DTE applied kaizen principals to refocus their business and build a sound framework of lean transformation.

  • Company operating system cost savings in excess of $150M

  • Standardized procedures streamlined and waste eliminated

  • Warehouse inventory accuracy markedly improved

Send us a message

Please share with us your greatest challenges, problem areas, or goals.