Daydreaming is the act of allowing your mind to wander away from the task at hand. While seemingly simple, research suggests that it can be a very powerful act when it comes to stimulating your creativity.

Creative Problem Solving

When the mind enters into a daydreaming state, it reduces stress in the body and helps your mind roam more freely. This state allows your mind to access latent information and make free associations between pieces of data that might otherwise seem unrelated. These associations can help lead you to solutions that you had not previously considered.

Future Planning

While daydreaming, there are no rules or constraints you need to abide by, which gives you the opportunity to see a more expansive list of possibilities for your future. Because daydreaming is a relaxed state of being, it allows you to visualize your goals without pressure. This allows you to identify what is most important to you and the next steps you need to take in order to achieve the goals you set for yourself. As you come out of a daydreaming session that involves these next steps, it is common to notice an uptick in your motivation to get to work on them.

Mental Health

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, daydreaming is indicative of a healthy mental life. Research suggests that daydreaming is correlated with many positive, adaptive things in our lives such as curiosity, enhanced social skills, constructive planning, or just a simple and brief escape from reality.

Daydreaming Suggestions

Daydreaming offers a litany of benefits, and bolstering creativity and adaptive problem-solving are at the top of the list. But don’t take our word for it! Next time you find yourself in need of some extra creativity, try stepping away from your project and allowing your mind to wander.

About Lean Learning Center

The Lean Learning Center was founded in 2001 to address the gaps and barriers that are holding back companies from successful and sustainable lean transformation. In addition to the advanced curriculum, the Center has developed a learning environment designed specifically for adult learning utilizing techniques that include discovery simulations, case studies, personal planning, and reflection – ultimately engaging people at a deep and personal level. We bring our unique lean understanding in creative ways to executives, managers, supervisors, change agents and front-line employees.
Phone: 248-906-8605



Dell’Amore, Christine. “Five Surprising Facts about Daydreaming.” National Geographic

Kaufman, Scott Barry & Gregoier, Carolyn. “Ten Habits of Highly Creative People.” Greater Good Magazine

Marfatia, Amber. “5 Reasons Why an Entrepreneur Should ‘Daydream’.” Entrepreneur

McMillan, Rebecca, Kaufman, Scott Barry, & Singer, Jerome. “Ode to Positive Constructive Daydreaming.” Frontiers in Psychology